Well, God is sovereign and continually keeping us on our toes. We were willing and ready to follow the difficult path He was leading us down but now, all plans are at a complete halt.

After doing tons of research, talking to friends, family, nurses and even grandpa's doctor it has been advised that we don't allow any of our children to be exposed to the home at all. The last thing we wanted was Brian's parents being treated like lepers. Although we really don't want to halt all plans, we also don't want to go against such severe warnings and put our children at risk.
So here we are, ready to make a jump, parachute ready just to find we are knotted to the plane, unable to get loose and are landing.
What now?
We rest in the sovereignty of the God we serve. We rest completely in His perfect timing. We continue to stay ready to drop our lives, our plans and follow His will!
We have the RV prepped and ready and Brian took 4 days off from work.
Well, no sense putting those to waste, we are going to take to kids on a mini vacation!
We are going to get away and enjoy our family. If we can't serve our extended family, we will serve our immediate family and have fun!
My goal for March when we get back is to plug-in serving in our community in as many ways as we can find!
P.S. If you like the super-cute-stuffed MRSA shown above you can buy him and more super-cute-stuffed bacteria at Giant Microbes Online
Posted by Shannon
Soli Deo gloria - Glory to God alone
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