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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Is Joseph Jesus' REAL father?

Last night I was filled with so many emotions as the 7 of us cuddled close to watch the Nativity Story for family movie night. My husband who I treasure and my 5 blessings who point me more to God's grace everyday, a warm kitty purring and two dogs at our feet. I was filled with great sadness everytime Mary or Elizabeth gasped with joy and touched the life growing inside their belly. I couldn't he...lp but wonder, God will you ever allow me to know the joy of feeling a small life kick or hiccup inside me? This thought was fleeting as I looked around the room God reminded me of His great love. He reminded me that while He may not have chosen me to love and carry a child like Mary there is a different way to love a child, like Joseph.

Joseph is not Jesus' birth father, he would never look at this baby and see his own facial features, he is just a man who made a commitment to love this child as his own. But God showed me through the Christmas story how that commitment means just as much that a child is "yours" as a physical birth does. Jesus was to be born from the "seed of David", well it is by Joseph's heritage that Jesus gains His lineage from King David. It is through adoption by Joseph that God ties Jesus to a royal family, while Joseph is not Jesus' birth father, he is certainly His REAL father. God shows us His absolute love for adoption by knitting it into the story of the birth of His very own son, knitting it even into our own stories as orphans adopted by an amazingly good and gracious heavenly Father!

How good the God I serve is, how He can turn my barrenness and sorrow into a joy and love more kindred to His own heart, a heart who knows the beauty and realness of adoption!

"How deep a Father's love for us,
how vast beyond all measure,
that He should send His only son,
to make a wretch His treasure."

Posted by Shannon

1 comment:

  1. This post has really helped me a lot. I have 5 children all together. 2 steps and 3 adopted. I have wanted to know the feeling of life inside of me, but recently have come to the knowledge and acceptance that that will never happen. This post has truly helped me. Thank you.
